Monday, December 31, 2007


I don't plan to make any special resolutions for the New Year. However, I really do need to get better organized. Not so much in the business. There I am actually really organized and can put my finger on nearly anything I need at any given moment. Our own living space is another matter entirely! This last week I have been sorting photographs. It took days! Now they are all separated into folders by subject. Next it is time to organize the storage room to have a place to put the plastic file boxes. But to do that there are a few other things that will need organized—piles of this and that. I always have these great plans when we move into a new place. I plan to set every place up to have a spot for everything and I plan to keep everything in said spot. Yet somehow, the boxes get brought in before I have it started and it never comes to fruition. So, maybe now, I can accomplish this one thing that I have never before been able to finish. Maybe I will be able to have an organized living space. Then again, I did get a really good book for Christmas…


Joubert said...

Happy New Year, Juanita.

shoprat said...

The best resolution you can make is to improve what you can reasonably improve.