Thursday, March 30, 2006

End of an Era

Today was the end of an era. Today Dad moved. Today I cried as I left the house mom died in. It’s peculiar, really, to be sad to see the house go on to another owner. One would think that I would be happy to leave my keys on the counter and walk out the door to never return. Yet, so much happened in that house. Even though Mom and Dad actually lived in it for such a short time, a lifetime worth of memories flowed through it.

There are some things that I won’t be sorry to never see again, such as wallpapered kitchen cabinets and carpeted bathrooms. At least the kitchen carpet is gone. We never did get the cupboards done though. Maybe that is it. There was so much more life to live there with Mom. There was so much more we wanted to do. I don’t have regrets over the time we had; I only wish we had more.

Odd, how I love change in most things, yet this change is so difficult. But time moves on and things change and people move. And life does go on, from generation to generation, the ebb and flow of life continues. That is the legacy we leave as we travel through space and time.


Cheryl said...

This reminds me of the sense of loss I felt when we sold my grandparent's house a few years ago. We moved around a lot, but they'd been in that same place my entire life. Something about a place that can provide continuity, I guess. I can understand the melancholy.

Assorted Babble by Suzie said...

I am like you about this, except I am not big on changes of any kind. Changes can be difficult for me. Letting go of a home of a biggie.

They call what I have...a detachment disorder. (LOL) I'm working on getting better at it.

Anonymous said...

That was a great tribute...not peculiar at all.

Joubert said...

What a nice house. But it is hard when your roots are pulled up.

ABFreedom said...

I still sometimes drive by the house I grew up in and wonder "what if" ...... and in the not to distant future it will be my kids turn.... the cycle continues ...

a faith bigger than fear said...

Great thoughts to keep and be able to know that you can remember such fond memories.

I can only fathom the disheartening feelings as I will find myself in the same sense of feelings when we finally sell the house that I was raised in since birth. We had to move mom out of the house a couple years after dad died. It sits there empty, now 4 years, until she passes on to be with my father. We have found that she can not let go of anything that my dad gave her and he passed away 19 years ago.

Definitely a great tribute...

Rebekah said...

I felt that same way a couple of months ago when we were over helping clean out our late Grandma's house. They built the house almost 50 years ago, and it just doesn't seem right to have someone else own it.

No, that's not peculiar. :)

cori said...

I can understand where you are. My parents also just moved from the house I grew up in. It was a huge sense of loss. Now that the house is an empty shell, it doesn't make those memories any less real; but it still stings a little bit.

I share your angst and your hope.

Dionne said...

I'm not good with change so can totally understand this. When my parents retired and moved out of the house I grew up in that was even hard for me.

Sorry for the loss it reminded you of.