Friday, January 21, 2011

Accentuate the Positive

My motto of the day!  Things are a little gloomy around here and it isn't just the weather.  One of my favorite residents of all time is declining.  Business is very slow.  I am hanging on to the positive by a thread and it is pretty thin sometimes.  I have a God who is able to bless me far beyond anything I can imagine.  Today, I choose to hold onto Him and his promises!



NattyBumpo said...

I have been known to go for walks on days like today, and sing Gene Kelly's "Singin' in the Rain".

Raina said...

Hope you feel better soon & hope your resident will be on to a better place soon. It must be rough to lose people all the time. (Hugs)

Anonymous said...

gotta like Bing's style!

Keep your head up and heart open