Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I am a Violet

"You have a shy personality. You tend to hesitate before trying new things or meeting new people. But once people get to know you, you open up and show the world what you are really all about."


Nathan said...

I haven't played yet, but I bet I am a thistle. :)

Keeley said...

I love violets!!!! Lucky you that you get to be one. =)

Jill said...

I'm a canna :/
I can see you as a violet!! Love violets :).

Slake said...

I'm an iris. "You are a very sensual person. You like to experience all the sights, smells, tastes and textures the world has to offer. Ordinary be damned, because you want to do it all."

Keeley said...

Lara! I'm so jealous of your iris status. =)